1. Report -

    During lockdown, we engaged with young adults (aged 15-25) in Enfield to understand how the Coronavirus outbreak has been impacting them. This report outlines the main findings from our research and our recommendations concerning next steps.
  2. Report -

    From mid-May to mid-June, we engaged with local people to hear about how the Coronavirus outbreak was impacting their health and wellbeing. Enfield residents shared their experiences with us by completing our online survey.
  3. News -

    During May and June, over 190 local people told us about how Coronavirus and ‘lockdown’ has impacted their health and wellbeing, including over 40 young adults.
  4. News -

    We want to hear how local care and nursing homes are doing now that ‘lockdown’ is easing.
  5. News -

    A few weeks ago we held an online event for you to ask questions about mental health and Coronavirus.
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    We held an online event a few weeks ago, where over 30 of you joined us to ask questions and hear from the Public Health Team at Enfield Council about Coronavirus.
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    Check out our video for more information about what to expect if you contact or are visiting your GP practice.
  8. Advice and Information -

    Many GP's and hospitals are now offering online appointments as an alternative to face to face appointments during the Coronavirus outbreak. Here are some top tips for you to help you understand what to expect from an online appointment.
  9. News -

    We held an online event a few weeks ago, where over 30 of you joined us to ask questions and hear about children and young peoples' mental health and wellbeing.
  10. News -

    Don’t miss your chance to put questions to local GPs, Public Health Enfield and the North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group about the flu jab!
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    Over the last week the number of Coronavirus cases across the country and in Enfield has steadily increased. Please read this important information to help stop the spread of the virus and reduce the chances of a local lockdown.
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    We held an online event a few weeks ago, where over 35 of you joined us to ask questions and hear about the flu jab.
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    Don’t miss your chance to put questions on how to manage anxiety and how to cope with the uncertainty of the next few months and any changes ahead.
  14. News -

    This year, with Coronavirus in circulation, it’s more important than ever that eligible groups get their flu jab. The free flu vaccine will help prevent you getting the flu and is the best protection from the flu virus.
  15. News -

    NHSX are offering iPads to help care homes provide care to residents during the Coronavirus outbreak
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    We held an online event a few weeks ago, where some of you joined us to ask questions and hear about how to manage anxiety during the Coronavirus outbreak
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    We want to hear from as many people as possible, particularly from hard to reach and Black And Minority Ethnic groups
  18. News -

    Researchers at University College London (UCL) have produced a decision-making guide for dementia carers so they can ensure their loved one gets the care, support and dignity they deserve if they catch Coronavirus.
  19. Advice and Information -

    It is normal and okay to feel upset, anxious or confused at times. This article outlines resources and organisations where you can get support with your mental health.
  20. News -

    How people access parts of emergency care in London is changing, with ‘111 First’ helping them to get the right care, in the right place, more quickly. 
  21. News -

    Our latest report, looks at the impact of Coronavirus on local care and nursing homes in Enfield.
  22. News -

    Join our online Q&A event on 5th November 12:00pm – 1:15pm about Cancer Care & Awareness during the Coronavirus outbreak
  23. News -

    New national restrictions will be starting from Thursday 5th November to help stop the spread of Coronavirus.
  24. News -

    This was the message, loud and clear, from our expert panel at our latest live Q&A event.
  25. News -

    From next week (1st December), people aged 50 to 64 will be able to get a free flu jab from their GP or pharmacy.
  26. Advice and Information -

    From the 1 December you’ll be able to book a slot at your local A&E if you need to by calling NHS 111. Find out what is changing and what it means for you and your loved ones.
  27. News -

    Our latest report, looks at the impact of Coronavirus on local Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities across Enfield.
  28. Report -

    Our latest report, looks at the impact of Coronavirus on local Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities across Enfield.
  29. News -

    Residents ask questions about changes to hospital and GP services in Enfield during the pandemic.
  30. News -

    Information about what to do if you or someone you know is unwell over the upcoming holidays
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    Information about how you could be part of the biggest vaccination roll out in UK history
  32. News -

    Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country and the UK is entering a national lockdown. Find out what you can and cannot do.
  33. Advice and Information -

    The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against coronavirus. This article outlines information about the vaccine.
  34. News -

    Rapid testing for Coronavirus is available in Enfield, for individuals who do not have Coronavirus symptoms.
  35. News -

    Important local information for you about how your local health and care services are working together to provide care for Coronavirus and non-Coronavirus patients
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    NHS England have produced some videos about the COVID-19 vaccine in a range of community languages. See these videos and download the links to share them with friends and family.
  37. News -

    The Government have announced their 'roadmap' to ease current lockdown restrictions in England
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    A new Coronavirus vaccination hub for individuals with a Learning Disability has opened at Chase Farm Hospital
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    Join our online Q&A event about Mental Health. Our friendly panel will be available to answer your questions.
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    Information about what to do if you or someone you know is unwell over the upcoming long weekend
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    The Department of Health and Social Care are seeking your views on a proposal to make Coronavirus vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes.
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    On Monday 19th July, the UK Government lifted most COVID-19 restrictions in England. This has been called ‘Freedom Day’ by some people. So, what has changed, and how will this affect hospitals, GP practices, and other health services in Enfield?
  43. News -

    We are working with five other Healthwatch branches to gather local insight into your experiences of Long COVID to support the development of services and systems.