1. News -

    Everyone needs to plan for later life at some point. Whether it is help to stay in your own home; care or nursing homes; supporting a loved one, or managing life limiting condition.
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    The Department of Health and Social Care are seeking your views on a proposal to make Coronavirus vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes.
  3. Report -

    On 8th November 2022 we visited Eliza House, a nursing and residential care home in Enfield. This report outlines our findings and recommendations from our visit.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you when travelling to your GP, hospital or other NHS services.
  5. Advice and Information -

    We are all mindful of the current pressure our NHS is under. So knowing what to do when we, our families and friends are unwell with non-Coronavirus symptoms is something we need to talk about.
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    Many GP's and hospitals are now offering online appointments as an alternative to face to face appointments during the Coronavirus outbreak. Here are some top tips for you to help you understand what to expect from an online appointment.
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    All London residents can now have a personalised care plan. Submit yours today online.
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    If you have a learning disability and/or autism and want to make a complaint about a health or social care service in Enfield, our new videos and easy read documents are now available.
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    To make it easier for you when you visit the hospital, The North Mid are introducing pay on exit parking from Monday 12th April.
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    On Monday 19th July, the UK Government lifted most COVID-19 restrictions in England. This has been called ‘Freedom Day’ by some people. So, what has changed, and how will this affect hospitals, GP practices, and other health services in Enfield?
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    We are working with five other Healthwatch branches to gather local insight into your experiences of Long COVID to support the development of services and systems.
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    Have you had any issues contacting relatives who are in hospital?
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    We are running a survey to find out how friends and relatives have found contacting loved ones in hospital.
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    Junior doctors at the Royal Free London will participate in national industrial action for 72 hours starting at 7am on Monday 13th March.
  15. Report -

    The findings from our report will help London Ambulance Service to shape their vision and goals for the next five years, and improve urgent and emergency care based on your feedback.
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    Our latest report highlights the important things you told us you wanted considered in the London Ambulance Service's vision and mission to improve care over the last five years.
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    Our latest report highlights the reasons behind digital exclusion in feedbacking services.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Are you feeling lonely, or need help with collecting your prescriptions? Let us know so we can refer you to an NHS and Care Volunteer Responder.
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    A deep dive into community feedback on the NHS's new proposal of how eye surgery services is being delivered and relocated in North Central London.
  20. Advice and Information -

    Manage your health effectively this winter, ensuring you know where and how to seek the right support when needed.