1. Report -

    We are delighted to publish 'Listening to Local Voices on Mental Health' our report into the experiences and views of service users and carers of mental health provision and support in Enfield.
  2. News -

    Important local information for you about how your local health and care services are working together to provide care for Coronavirus and non-Coronavirus patients
  3. Advice and Information -

    Keep scrolling down to find the service you are looking for.
  4. News -

    If you have a learning disability and/or autism and want to make a complaint about a health or social care service in Enfield, our new videos and easy read documents are now available.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Information about what to do if you or someone you know is unwell and needs urgent or emergency care or if someone you need needs emergency social care support
  6. News -

    The Department of Health and Social Care are seeking your views on a proposal to make Coronavirus vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes.
  7. News -

    In February we told you that Healthwatch Enfield will be managed by a new contractor from 1st June 2021. We are pleased to say that we have been working with them and made good progress in handing over services.
  8. News -

    To help us select our priorities for the next 12 months we'd like to find out what health and social care issues are important to you. Please complete the survey below and have your say!