Change of Healthwatch Enfield Contractor

In February we told you that Healthwatch Enfield will be managed by a new contractor from 1st June 2021. We are pleased to say that we have been working with them and made good progress in handing over services.
A group of women sitting around a table

Message from our Chair

'It has been a pleasure to deliver the Healthwatch Enfield contract over the last 8 years, since the birth of Healthwatch in 2013. Together, we have really made an impact to local services in Enfield and we have worked hard to make sure that your voice is always heard.

We would not have been able to do the work we have done without the help of our amazing board and staff team, and our incredible volunteers. Thank you for all the time, energy, and dedication each and every one of you have put into the work of Healthwatch Enfield.
The Board and I have chosen to step down from our roles. Healthwatch Enfield has given me (working with a fantastic Board and staff team) the opportunity to ensure that the local services evolve to meet the needs of local residents. There now appears a strong recognition that involving you in shaping the design and delivery of inclusive services is the right way to develop health and care services. This success is down to the way in which you have been willing to trust us with your opinions and feedback. Your feedback does make a difference'

Parin, Chair, Healthwatch Enfield (until 31 May 2021)

Healthwatch Enfield will continue to be there for you and will be working hard to make sure your voice is always heard. The contract will just be run by a different provider (Healthwatch Central West London). Healthwatch contact details will remain the same – you can still call us on 020 8373 6283 or email us.