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    We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds, faiths and communities, as well as with any disabilities, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
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    If you cant find what you are looking for here or need more help, please get in touch with us via our contact us page.
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    You have the power to help make change happen. It Starts With You.
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    If you can't find the right support, Healthwatch is here for you. In times of worry or stress, we can be there to find you the best place to go for help, whether it's finding an NHS dentist, how to make a complaint or where to go for extra support. Find out more in our video below.
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    We're here to find out matters to you and to help make sure your views shape the support you need.
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    This page is here to explain more about your rights, what to do if you are refused the right to register, and to make the general processes clear and easy to navigate.
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    It only takes a minute to tell us about your experience of health and social care. We use your views to raise concerns with the people running NHS and social care services to make care better.
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    Information about our ‘Enter and View’ programme for residents, relatives and friends, as well as care home providers, Enfield Council and Clinical Commissioning Groups.
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    We are an independent, statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Enfield. We are part of the National Healthwatch network.
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    Thank you for subscribing to the Enfield Healthwatch newsletter.
    You'll now be kept up to date with what people are telling us about health and social care, our advice and information, and latest reports.

    Best wishes,
    From the team at Healthwatch team in Enfield
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    Do you have the knowledge, experience, and passion to promote better health and social care for local people in Enfield?
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    High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects around a third of adults in the UK. Its symptoms are often unnoticeable but left untreated it can increase the risk of heart problems like strokes or heart attacks. The only way to diagnose hypertension is by having a blood pressure check.
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    These terms and conditions tell you how this Healthwatch website is managed and how you are protected when you are using our site.If you do not agree with these terms, you should leave the site immediately.
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    We want to make sure that everyone is able to access the information we provide and communicate with us in ways that meet their individual needs.
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    Take a look at our upcoming events or check out our selection of health and care awareness events you can support.
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    Find out how we can help you access the support you need to live well.
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    We use cookies on our website to make your experience as easy and simple as possible.
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    This Privacy Statement sets our data processing practices carried. We retain and use personal data (information that relates to and identifies living people) to help us carry out our role as the independent champion for people who use health and social care services.

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