CQC update profiles of care services for older people in every local authority in England

This week, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has updated the report showing a detailed picture of the care services and how well they work together in every local authority in England.
A man standing in front of a CQC sign

How well do health and social care services in your area serve the needs of older people? Most older people, particularly those with complex needs, will receive care at some time. Their experience will often depend on how well different services work together for them, their families and carers.

This week, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has updated the report showing a detailed picture of the care services and how well they work together in every local authority in England.   The reports are now available on the CQC website, including the report for Enfield.

CQC has drawn together a range of national data to build a profile on every local health and care system, to understand how services work together. The individual reports provide a detailed insight into the journey through health and social care for people who use services – and identify where there are gaps which mean that people experience fragmented or poor care.

The reports compare the outcomes with similar local authority areas and against national performance.

  • Are older people supported to stay well and to continue to live in their home?
  • What happens when someone needs more care?  For example when they need to go to hospital?
  • Are they supported to return home safely, or to move somewhere new that meets their needs?