1. News -

    Everyone needs to plan for later life at some point. Whether it is help to stay in your own home; care or nursing homes; supporting a loved one, or managing life limiting condition.
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    All London residents can now have a personalised care plan. Submit yours today online.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Keep scrolling down to find the service you are looking for.
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    If you have a learning disability and/or autism and want to make a complaint about a health or social care service in Enfield, our new videos and easy read documents are now available.
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    To make it easier for you when you visit the hospital, The North Mid are introducing pay on exit parking from Monday 12th April.
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    Our friendly panel will available to answer your questions.
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    The Department of Health and Social Care are seeking your views on a proposal to make Coronavirus vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes.
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    Information about what to do if you or someone you know is unwell over the upcoming long weekend
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    On Monday 19th July, the UK Government lifted most COVID-19 restrictions in England. This has been called ‘Freedom Day’ by some people. So, what has changed, and how will this affect hospitals, GP practices, and other health services in Enfield?
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    We have formed a partnership to carry out some outreach work to help local Bulgarians to discover and access the health and care they need.
  11. Report -

    We have recently heard from 390 local people about their experiences of accessing Primary Care* and local GPs throughout the pandemic and have published a report to share our findings.
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    We are working with five other Healthwatch branches to gather local insight into your experiences of Long COVID to support the development of services and systems.
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    Have you had any issues contacting relatives who are in hospital?
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    We are running a survey to find out how friends and relatives have found contacting loved ones in hospital.