Tell us your experiences of using Continuing Health Care or Personal Budgets

We’ve just launched a new survey to collect evidence of local residents experiences of Continuing Health Care (CHC) or Personal Budgets (PBs).
A man standing outside in front of a Healthwatch sign

You can complete the survey online (closes 31st January 2020)

Feel free to forward the survey link to family members, carers and advocates or support them to complete the survey if possible. We are also interested in hearing from residents who were assessed but not awarded payments.

Background information:

In July, we spoke to a small sample group of people who receive CHC, their feedback prompted us to conduct a more in-depth review of peoples experiences of this process.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our project lead, Claire Fisher, for further information or support. If required, we can send you a paper copy with a Freepost envelope.

Thank you for your support.