1. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    Information about what to do if you or someone you know is unwell and needs urgent or emergency care or if someone you need needs emergency social care support
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    The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against coronavirus. This article outlines information about the vaccine.
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    This week is Children's Mental Health Week. This article explains how you can help look after a child or young persons mental health.
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    Keep scrolling down to find the service you are looking for.
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    This guide sets out the help and support you can expect to receive from your NHS dentist.
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    North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) and NHS England are consulting with residents, healthcare staff and patients on the proposed changes in North Central London.
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    Getting an appointment with your local GP can be tough. That's why your nearby pharmacy is stepping up to offer prescription-only medicines, like antibiotics and antivirals for 7 common conditions, helping ease pressure on GPs.
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    This plan introduces a shift towards prevention and good oral health in young children and expands the dental workforce. Details of the plan include a 'new patient' payment scheme, funding, and the introduction of dental vans to provide mobile care in underrepresented areas.
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    Our GP Access Guide is now available for download and can be translated into various languages.
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    Did you know that Enfield IAPT have rebranded their service and relaunched their mental health treatment programmes for residents?
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    From 22 April until 30 June 2024, the seasonal COVID-19 booster will be available FREE for those who are at greatest risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus.
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    Enfield has a range of options for accessing a GP or Nurse out of hours. These options vary depending on whether the appointment is routine or urgent.