Catch up on our online event with local hospitals

If you weren't able to make it to our online event with local hospitals, here is the recording of the Q&A session.
A man standing outside in front of a Healthwatch sign

Over 30 of you joined our online event a few weeks ago to ask questions are hear from local hospitals about their response to Coronavirus.

We had representatives from The North Middlesex University Hospital and The Royal Free London NHS Foundation trust (to talk about Chase Farm Hospital). We asked questions which you submitted in advance, about a range of topics like how the hospitals are staying safe for patients and what patients can expect if they are visiting a local hospital. With permission from all the people involved, below is the recording of the event for those of you that were unable to join us and wanted to hear the answers to their questions. We have also included a write up from the event with the questions asked and the answers given.


Download the notes from the Q&A session