Healthwatch Enfield Annual Report 2020 - 2021

Our annual report tells the story of our work over the past year. Find out more about what we've achieved in 2020 - 2021.

Healthwatch Enfield is about you, your voice, your opinions, your challenges and your
compliments. This year, more than ever, your feedback has mattered. It has made a difference.

It has made a difference because during this pandemic, Enfield health services, our GPs, our Council and hospital staff have worked together in a powerful way and have been keen to hear your feedback and respond to it. We worked with them knowing that when we offer challenge, it is taken seriously. We were also able to feedback your thanks to front line staff and managers.

We have been active in reaching out to you in new ways because face to face meetings were not possible. Our now well established ‘webinars’ have received positive feedback. We were particularly concerned about the disproportionate impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on black and minority ethnic people. Our report “One size does not fit all” has been helpful in reinforcing feedback from our diverse communities to us. We are really pleased with the work now being undertaken to engage with specific communities in a way that works for them.

Healthwatch Enfield is very dependent on and grateful to, our fantastic volunteers who help us find out what people think. Due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, our volunteers have been flexible and have continued to support our new ways of working. Their positive enthusiasm for supporting local work and initiatives is inspiring.

Healthwatch Enfield will be managed by a new contractor from June 2021. The Board and I have chosen to step down from our roles. Healthwatch Enfield has given me (working with a fantastic Board and staff team) the opportunity to ensure that the local services evolve to meet the needs of local residents. There now appears a strong recognition that involving you in shaping the design and delivery of inclusive services is the right way to develop services. This success is down to the way in which you have been willing to trust us with your opinions and feedback. Your feedback does make a difference.

Parin Bahl, Chair, Healthwatch Enfield


Download Healthwatch Enfield's Annual report 2020 - 2021.

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